Thursday, May 28, 2020

Alexandra Levits Water Cooler Wisdom Collaboration Has Infiltrated the IT World

Alexandra Levit's Water Cooler Wisdom Collaboration Has Infiltrated the IT World At the recentGartner Catalyst Conferencein San Diego, PGi’sJohn Perkins talked about strength of the collaboration movement in the IT industry. As CIO reported, collaboration trends are breaking down IT silos and promoting responsive communication and agile development. Thanks to its newfound flexibility, IT is executing faster than ever. The following are positive collaboration trends Perkins shared. Organization-Wide Teamwork A collaborative approach to development involves strengtheningpartnershipsacross departments. Every cross-functional project facilitates greater engagement for IT across the organization. Shared Workspaces As more employees take advantage of flexible work arrangements, permanent workspaces that are empty much of the time will no longer make sense. Teams are more likely to inhabit collective workspaces while working on a particular project, with the temporary physical proximity promoting teamwork. Virtual Teams There is still a shortage of IT talent in many regions of the United States. IT organizations get the job done by employing qualified individuals regardless of physical locale. Collaboration software allows remote teams to operate as seamlessly as in-person ones. Custom Solutions Collaboration platforms allow IT and citizen developers to quickly build out custom applications for every function of the business. More than ever, IT professionals need to understand the requirements of various business units so that they can arrive at the right solutions. Instant Communication In the past, collaboration across time zones was challenging. However, new collaboration tools are always on, allowing synchronous and asynchronous communication regardless of where and when team members are working. For more where this came from, visit QuickBases Fast Track blog.

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